This collection was originally inspired by an everyday object of comfort, one that we all too often take for granted: the upholstered couch. Misshapen from being sat and lounged upon, they often inspire feelings of comfort, laziness, and give a sense of home to wherever they are. But what I find most interesting is the physicality of couches that had been torn apart, deconstructed, or are in the process of being reupholstered. Many people have no idea what the inside of a piece of upholstery looks like, and most would be shocked to see the incredible amount of work that goes into making one. The same can be said for clothing - the general public doesn’t even realize that almost every garment in the world is made by human hands. EXCAVATE is a project about celebrating the little things that bring us comfort in life, even if they seem unimportant or mundane to others - lying on the sofa at the end of a long day, putting on an old oversized sweater vest in the fall, or taking the time to construct a garment with the love and care that it deserves. This collection is meant to inspire people in their everyday lives to explore the mundane and dig deep beneath the surface of everyday objects and even ourselves - you never know what could be underneath.

Photos: Charles Robbin Lee
Models: Kyra Baider, Olivia Harris, Fiona Jungmann